2024 NPA Tourism Booklet


Northern Cape York Tourism booklet - 2nd edition (2024) is here!!!

Download the NPA Tourism Booklet 2024.

Learn about the unique history and cultures of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities, the amazing landscapes & wildlife of Pajinka & Northern Peninsula Area - what's happening, where to go, and more ...


Booklets are available at Jardine River Ferry Office & all NPARC Offices.

NPARC Offices @ Bamaga, New Mapoon, Umagico, Injinoo.

Hard copy booklets are also available from front counters of advertisers in the booklet (see pdf copy).

Check out the digital version - read online here:

Download the NPA Tourism Booklet 2024.

Read more Northern Cape York Tourism info here: https://www.nparc.qld.gov.au/tourism