Our Council

Mayor's Message

Mayor Poipoi
Council is committed to addressing and delivering what's important to our community, including animal control, community safety, community housing management, youth activities, better community amenities, road signage and improved communication from Council.
Our vision for the Northern Peninsula Area is to work together to build a connected community. To achieve this, we must grow opportunities for our Indigenous community and enrich the lives of our people while preserving and protecting the rich culture of our Region.
Strengthening our economy is a key priority for Council to address the challenges we face as a remote community. Council will actively advocate for greater services and improved connection in our community to provide more opportunity for our people.

CEO's Message
Corporate Plan
Council's Corporate Plan outlines the way Council will deliver programs and services for the next five years, as we work toward a vision of building a strong and vibrant community in the Northern Peninsula Area.
The plan ensures we continue to deliver the programs and services most needed in our community. We will do this by advocating on behalf of our community, to gain access to, and funding for, services needed most, support and facilitate Indigenous and local emplovment and business opportunities.
Council's communication with the community was identified as an area requiring improvement, as part of our consultation on the Corporate Plan. We will work to achieve more regular and consistent communication and engagement with our communit and within Council, providing more opportunities for open communication. This is vital to our ability to work together as a community and a key priority for Council.
Within Council, we will focus on recruiting, developing and retaining Council's team members, so that we can provide a high quality and consistent level of service to our community.
This plan is a commitment to our community to focus on the areas that matter most to you, and we look forward to updating you on our progress.