Corporate Documents
Council produces a range of important and informative publications to keep community up-to-date and informed about what is happening iin the NPA.
These include our Corporate and Operational Plans, Annual Reports and Budgets as well as other organisational plans and reports.
- Corporate Plans
- Annual Reports
- Financial Documents
- Registers and Delegations
- Disaster Management Plan
- Yumpla Coast Strategic Plan
- Sports and Rec Facilities Plan
- Council Forms
Corporate Plans and Reports
Council produces a range of important and informative publications to keep you up-to-date and informed about what is happening in the NPA. These include our Corporate and Operational Plans, Annual Reports and Budgets as well as other organisational plans and reports.
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Annual Reports
The annual reports are an imprtant component of Council's Performance Management process. It informs community on how Council has performed during the financial year and captures the achievements, hopes, aspirations, priorities and goals of our community.
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Financial Documents
NPARCs financial documents outlines Council’s budgeted financial position and performance and other key financial documents, including current fees and charges.
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Delegations and Registers
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Local Disaster Management Plan
The Local Disaster Management Plan sets out the legislated arrangements required under the Queensland Disaster Management Act 2003.
The Plan was endorsed on 5 August 2019 and outlines the disaster management system and specifies agreed roles and responsibilities. It also describes how the disaster management system works during an event.
NPA Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) works to reduce the negative impact disasters can have on communities and responds to disasters when they happen.
Community Disaster Management Groups work together to reduce the effects of a disaster. When a disaster or major emergency happens, they then respond quickly to and ensure communities can recover.
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Yumpla Coast Strategic Plan

NPARC has developed the Yumpla Coast Strategic Plan to help to manage and adapt to current and future coastal hazard impacts on our coastline and communities.
The NPA coastline is prone to coastal hazard impacts, driven by tropical cyclones, storm events and annual trade or ‘Kuki’ winds. Coastal hazard impacts are predicted to increase with a changing climate. We want to make sure we are in the best position possible to protect the community and infrastructure that is important to us.
Coastal hazards include erosion of our sandy coastlines, and short- or long-term inundation of low-lying areas by seawater. The Strategy assesses the potential risks to our communities, environment, cultural values, infrastructure, and essential services from coastal hazards using guidelines determined by the Queensland Government. The Strategy builds upon coastal hazard information and mapping previously publicly released by the Queensland Government.
The Yumpla Coast Strategic Plan also outlines strategies for Council and provides guidance for other property and asset owners to help increase the resilience of our coastline over the next 80 years.
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Sports and Rec Facilities Plan
The plan presents opportunities for improved use of existing infrastructure, new opportunities or services that could be provided and the issues impacting community participation in sport and recreation. The plan addresses barriers indentified through community consultation from Council, community and serice provider, and provided a plan to address the following.
- Increased variety in sport and recreation activities,
- Transport between the communities
- Additional youth activities, including youth competition, as well as recreational and informal activities
- Access to Council facilities
- Differing level of service between communities and potential duplication
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Council Forms
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